Killer USA


Upcoming episodes

Feb 22nd

Anthony Sowell

Sowell grew up in a family where violence and sexual abuse were the norm but distinguished himself in the military. When his visitors complained of a stench of rotting flesh, he blamed the sausage shop next door….. But the truth was much closer to home. Revealing interrogation recordings show police unpick a mystery which leads them to a house of horrors
Feb 23rd

Thomas Pate

They appeared the perfect Christian couple. Tom and Micah Rine Pate had dated for years before marrying only for Micah to discover Tom’s serial infidelity. Micah’s deeply devout family were unaware the marriage was in tatters so when Micah went missing on a job, they had no reason to suspect Tom. What would it take to reveal the truth and what part would Thomas Pate’s father play in helping uncover what had really happened.
Mar 1st

Jeanine Hannah

Jeannie Miatta may have been prosecuted for theft when working as a nurse in one State, but what did that have to do with Jeanine Hannah, a Nurse in another state? Answer: They were one and the same person. And the carer who got a job visiting elderly patients in their own homes, could not be trusted with her patient’s property...or their lives. With one confirmed murder and suspicions of a second, Jeanine Hannah protests her innocence in a  prison-interview with award-wining reporter, Carolyn Canville.
Mar 2nd

Jesse Matthew

Jesse Matthew boasted the build of a football player, large enough to play college football in Charlottesville and win a scholarship. He was also a sexual predator who hid in plain sight. He snatched his first victim, 21 year old Morgan Harrington from a campus, and five years later snatched Hannah Graham.  Alongside other sex attacks on young woimen, Matthew became the threat all parents fear.
Mar 8th

Chacey Poynter

Firefighter Bob Poynter thought he was heading for a reconciliation meeting with the wife he knew was a serial cheater. In fact, Chacey Poynter had lined up one of her lovers to kill the man who had said he wanted a divorce. Chacey had done the Math. A prenup meant Divorce was worth a lot less money than the Insurance pay-out in the event Bob died. To her the equation was simple.
Mar 9th

Todd Kohlepp

Todd Kohlhepp was just 14 when he kidnapped and raped a young girl. Sent to jail for 15 years, Kohlhepp took classes and appeared to quickly mature  into a decent man. Released when still young, Todd appeared rehabilitated. Then something bad happened; 4 people were slaughtered by a gunman near to where Todd lived.   Nine years later, Todd was a successful real estate agent. A couple who did odd-obs for him disappeared. Detectives looking for the missing couple triangulated a cellphone to Kohlhepp’s farm.  When they got there they found the woman chained in a container, Kohlhepp was using her as a sex slave...had he also killed her boyfriend? Chilling interrogation room footage reveals what had happened.
Mar 15th

Don Miller

2021 was a significant year in the life of Don Miller...despite having murdered 4 women, he was due a parole hearing. He began killing in the seventies. He failed in bid for freedom this time...but Don Miller’s sentence ends in 2031. At 77 years old, he will be released from prison. How can a four times killer hope to ever be free?
Mar 16th

Yoselyn Ortega

New York nanny Yoselyn Ortega had been part of the Krim family for two years, looking after Kevin and Marina’s three young children as if they were her own. One day, plagued by psychotic thoughts and hearing demonic voices, she snapped, with devastating consequences for two tiny lives.