
September 7th

On now

Heartland Homicide

Homicide in Inwood, MB

Former pro-wrestler Ivan Radocaj, known as ‘The Croatian Giant’, is ambushed and brutally murdered in the tiny Manitoba hamlet of Inwood. It looks like a robbery gone wrong. But when small town tongues start to wag, the police get interested and initiate a massive sting operation. What they hear over a wire tap brings to light a monstrous plot that seems alien to a tranquil community.
Up next


Chacey Poynter

When firefighter Bob Poynter was killed, there was no-one more devastated than his young wife, Chacey. But when detectives looked at her life, they discovered a web of lies….


Uloma Curry-Walker

William Walker was a firefighter and paramedic with a reputation for helping out strangers. Little wonder that debt-ridden Uloma Curry was attracted to him. Within weeks of their wedding, she was plotting to get her hands on his life insurance policy - and recruiting a team of teenagers to help her do it.

Meet Marry Murder


Jessica was swept off her feet by businessman Sonny, He totally adored her and her daughter, but adoration soon turned to jealousy until she wasn't even allowed to go to the bathroom alone. When she finally tried to leave him it ended in two brutal murders. All to be discovered by her 9 year old daughter

Meet Marry Murder


Tom and Kelley Clayton were an alpha couple: attractive, athletic, popular. Drawn to the professional hockey player’s bad boy reputation, she would later discover just how bad her cheating, scheming husband really was, when he started plotting how to lose a wife, but keep his fortune.

Targeted For Murder

Summer of Fear

Random shootings, rapes, and robberies leave residents scared, and authorities seemingly powerless, when serial killers wage a reign of terror over the streets of Phoenix, Arizona.

Targeted For Murder

Murder in the Desert

The murder of a beloved yoga instructor appears to be an open and shut robbery homicide until detectives find themselves deep in a murder investigation with one too many twists.

Killer Cases

Murder at the Mall

In 1979, 18-year-old Michelle Martinko was found brutally stabbed to death in her car in the parking lot of a shopping mall in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. For decades, the police and her family searched for answers -- who did this and why? But the case grew cold. Thirty-nine years later, DNA evidence from the crime scene finally led to a suspect and a murder trial.

Killer Cases

The Farmer's Wife

When Shirley Carter was found murdered in her farmhouse kitchen, her abusive husband Bill was considered a prime suspect. But Bill Carter pointed the finger at someone else--his son Jason. It was up to the jury to decide whom to believe.

Killer USA

Jeanine Hannah

Jeannie Miatta may have been prosecuted for theft when working as a nurse in one State, but what did that have to do with Jeanine Hannah, a Nurse in another state? Answer: They were one and the same person. And the carer who got a job visiting elderly patients in their own homes, could not be trusted with her patient’s property...or their lives. With one confirmed murder and suspicions of a second, Jeanine Hannah protests her innocence in a  prison-interview with award-wining reporter, Carolyn Canville.