Murder Comes to Town
Upcoming episodes
Apr 3rd
All-American Sweethearts
When an 18-year-old woman disappears after finishing her shift, her car is later found abandoned, but it's still running and the woman is nowhere to be found.
Apr 3rd
The Devil Wears Sneakers
When the bodies of a family of five are found beaten to death in their home, a tight-knit Illinois farming town is devastated by the news.
Apr 3rd
No Average Troublemaker
When a teenager girl sneaks away from home, her parents believe they're dealing with teenage rebellion until a group of boys discover the girl's dead body.
Apr 10th
End of an Era
When a local business owner is killed inside his store, the Cumberland Gap community does not want to believe that the murder could be one of their own.
Apr 10th
Lurking In the Hollers
Although family is supposed to mean everything to those who live in the mountains of Townsend, Tennessee, a member of the large Griffin clan is discovered dead.
Apr 10th
Stipps Hill Massacre
When police discover the Napier family massacred in their home in Laurel, Indiana, the residents become terrified that there may still be a killer on the loose.
Apr 17th
Horror in the Heartland
In a small town in Kansas, Patricia Kimmi has disappeared from her home, and residents begin a search party, but police fear she may not be found alive.
Apr 17th
Who Killed Thanksgiving?
People realize seclusion doesn't guarantee their safety when a 62-year-old woman is found tortured and brutally murdered in her home on Thanksgiving.
Apr 17th
He'd Do It Again
When Timothy Moore disappears from his home in South Bend, Washington, residents realize that they do not know there neighbors as well as they thought.